Simpsons Pics
Here are The Simpsons Pictures...
ehomer.gif 10K The Evolution of Homer... Pretty kuul.. No
xfspring.gif 35K Homer, Scully, and Mulder...No
homer3d.jpg17KHomer in 3-D...Yes
cakehomer.gif8KHomer's college application photoYes
homer2.gif14KHomer in Nuclear Physics 101Yes
dnthead.gif1.5KHomer has a donut for a head(small but good)No
gotbeer.jpg27KHomer: Got Beer?No
homface.gif2KLooks like a Homer mug-shot...No
hmrapu.jpg22KApu apologizing to Homer in his village's way..Yes
hmrhostage.gif19KHomer: Hostage NegotiatorNY
hmr-mindy.gif18KHomer kissing Mindy SimmonsYes
Bart in Wig
bart-mar.gif21KBart and Martin on the busNo
bartbut.gif7KBart taking picture of his butt..No
bart_brd.gif6KBart on jet-powered deck...No
bart3d.gif6KBart in 3d..Yes
bart-crazy.jpg21KWhoa.. IS Bart like stoked or something?No
4F11bartwig.jpg13KBart in Homer's PhobiaNo
evoflisa.gif10KThe Evolution of Lisa SimpsonNo
lgotmilk.gif9KLisa: Got Milk?No
lisafash.gif13KApparently from cover of magazineNo
lisasky.gif2KLisa in the Sky with Diamonds--Braces ep.NY
apu2.gif20KApu in the Kiwk-e-Mart looking out the doorsNo
Cameo Appearances
cam-aerosm.gif23KAerosmith on The SimpsonsNo
cam-ramn.gif32KThe Ramones on The SimpsonsNo
cam-ringo.gif44KRingo Starr on The SimpsonsNo
cam-west.gif25KAdam West/BatmanNo
cam-spinal.gif30KSpinal TapNo
itchy.gif6KA good b&w of itchy and scratchyNo
twisted.jpg44KA twisted look at Family Simpson**No
maggie-ev.gif11KThe Evolution of MaggieNo
wiggum.gif4KAfter all this searching, this is my Wiggum gif?No
brnsdnce.gif22KBurns dancing with Mother Bouvier...NY